Step 5 - Synthesis

Step 5 of the Big 6 is Synthesis, or putting it all together.

We will be working in the library media center again, with Mrs. Perry teaching. Bring anything you might need to continue working.

First, print out an outline chart. You will put the notes from each member of your group together to create an outline of what you have learned about global warming. You will use this outline to organize your final product, no matter what it is. Every final product should show what you have learned and will need to be well organized. Remember to use your group product checklist as you work.

Next, print out a bibliography chart. We will use the information you have written down about your sources to create a bibliography page.

As you know, there are two final products for this unit. The first is your group product. The second will be your persuasive letter, which we will e-mail to the President of the United States. You will work on your letter individually.

For the next four days, we will be working on your final products. You may need to work in the media center if you are creating something that requires special media tools. Mrs. Perry will be in the computer lab during our usual class time to offer assistance. You will probably need to take some work home with you.

Each group will present their final product to our class as practice, and then present for parents and friends during our Earth Day celebration.